The village of

Ilketshall St Margaret

September 2024 Events

All events take place at Ilketshall St Margaret Village Hall unless stated otherwise.

Coffee Morning every Wednesday 10.30am to 12.00.

Exercise for the over 60s (EFOS) every Monday at 10.30am (cost £3 each), followed by coffee (open to all) at 11.30am.

Knit and Natter Group every Tuesday from 11.00am to 1.00pm. All welcome. Cost £3 each.

Saturday 7th September


Church Coffee Morning

Saturday 14th September

Ride and Stride: Historic Churches Trust event.

Tuesday 24th September

7.00pm to 8.15pm

Choir Practice: Our first choir practice in preparation for Christmas carol services at some of the local churches. Everybody welcome. Cost £1. Venue: St Margaret's Church.

Wednesday 25th September


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Friday 27th September


Village Hall Social Evening: Cost £1. Bring your own drinks and nibbles.